For this Team Spotlight, we’re introducing Lil Auricht, our resident Practice Nurse Advisor. Lil has over 30 years experience in various healthcare settings, and 14 years experience in Infection Control. Lil is a valuable asset to our team and our clients; she provides guidance and support in infection control standards in order to improve the quality of care practices can provide, whilst enhancing patient experiences and outcomes.
Her knowledge is of particular benefit in advance of the updated RACGP Infection Prevention and Control Standards (5th edition) becoming the basis for accreditation from November 2018. Read on to learn more about Lil and her role at MyPS.
Hi, I’m Lil. I’ve recently joined MyPS as a Practice Nurse Advisor. I met Lisa in December 2017 through a mutual friend and colleague and over these past months Lisa and I have been getting to know each other and we’ve been shaping my role. I feel very excited about this next chapter and challenge.
Without a doubt, working with Lisa. Her can do attitude, the ease at which she focuses on the positive rather than the negative and her personal and professional integrity are just some of the reasons.
I’m looking forward to learning from Lisa and the team. They are a group of people with varied and complementary backgrounds, and this multidisciplinary nature of the team will make for interesting and progressive discussions and decisions.
I’ve developed a MyPS Infection Prevention and Control audit tool using the RACGP 5th Edition Standards and relevant Australian Standards and guidelines. I’m very much looking forward to meeting new clients and helping them to build the bridge between these guidelines and their current practices through a risk management, education and best practice approach. In doing so, I hope to improve practice staff job satisfaction and the experience and outcome for patients and their families & carers.
With a father as a General Practitioner and a mother as a Registered Nurse, working in healthcare was always a strong possibility for me! This aside, from the moment I started thinking about my career, I knew I wanted to be a nurse.
I’ve had a wonderful career so far; I’ve travelled and worked interstate and overseas, studied, worked across acute and non-acute settings, in policy and providing direct patient care. I’ve met many inspiring people along the way and feel privileged to have been a part of their healthcare journey.
Embracing change, taking opportunities when they present themselves and making the most of them when they come. Tolerance, acceptance of difference and working with people and not against them with the aim of achieving a positive result, and continual learning; whether that’s education via a formal qualification, reading a book or article, lived experience, or lessons learnt from stepping outside what feels comfortable.
I have a beautiful 12-year-old daughter and a wonderful family and group of friends. I’m the youngest of 5 children and the only female! I feel blessed to have had the childhood and upbringing I’ve had. From a very young age, my father introduced me to camping, overnight bushwalks and general survival and problem-solving skills, while my mother encouraged independence and supplied me with kindness, trust, emotional support and great food!
I’m adventurous and enjoy camping, bushwalking, climbing hills, swimming and skiing. I look forward to new challenges and experiences, and thoroughly enjoy travelling, both around Australia and overseas.
To find out how Lil can help you with your practice’s Infection control concerns, contact lil at lil@myps.net.au.
+61 418 501 835